The 3 tested ways to get traffic to your blog.
Hi there, my name is Lawrence and today i would be sharing an important post which would benefit bloggers and developers in the internet world.
Getting audience and unique users is a bit of a challenge nowadays which makes most bloggers quit the job, but ask yourself '' if i quit today, will i win tomorrow ''..
I would not waste our precious time because i know bloggers are always busy.
Check the list below and use it for the benefit of your work..
Social Media:
This is the most used platform for showcasing ones idea to the world. Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn e.t.c are often used by blogger to sell their content.
The reason why i choose Google as the second is because it's a bit difficult for few bloggers.
Why Google?
The most popular and most used search engine in the world is Google, so i recommended Google because you can get large amount of pageviews and users from it without paying for traffic. All you need to do is write a nice and SEO friendly content.
Unique Visitors:
Unique Visitors are the users who trusted your blog and visits it daily for new updates and information. Unique visits is very essential to all blogs because you can't buy traffic everyday but you can gain unique Visitors daily by writing relevant posts.
When you have unique Visitors, be rest assured that your blog content isn't wasting, i prefer unique Visitors because they are your most trusted users even when there isn't any updates, they keep visiting and refreshing your page for valuable contents.
That's why I recommended unique Visitors
The only way to get unique Visitors is by writing unique posts. NB: do not copy and paste on your blog.
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